Brought to Justice! Football Quarterback Kevin Olsen Arrested on Serious Rape Charges

The quarterback player of Charlotte and the younger brother of Greg Olsen, Kevin Oslen got arrested on Sunday morning on February 20, 2016, around 3.30 am from the campus apartment and got booked into Charlotte-Mecklenburg Jail on the charged of second-degree forcible rape, assault, forced sex and cyber stalking. The assault took place within the existing relationship between the man and woman where Olsen threatened to kill himself and the woman involved.
The entire incident got reported by the Assistant District Attorney, Kristen Northrup where she disclosed about life threatening message sent by Olsen to the woman. Though the couple had sorted out the issue by early Sunday morning things flared in the evening initiating Olsen to kill himself and violently attack the woman landing her to the hospital with vaginal injuries and bruises while Olsen is expected to get released from the jail on a bond of $103,000.
The later part of the incident got reported by the as the defense attorney of Olsen, George Laughrun and disclosed about the existence of two sides in the story. He said:
“confident in the judicial process and looks forward to his day in court. There are two sides to every story.”
From the reported incident Olsen got suspended from the Campus team while the University coach Brad Lambert confirmed about the suspension to the WCNC, he said:
“We are aware of the situation with Kevin. In light of his arrest, we can let you know that Kevin has been suspended from all athletic activities. We aren’t able to comment further due to the current investigation.”
While the University spokesperson released a statement acknowledging the allegations and action, they said:
“Olsen has been suspended from Charlotte athletics .The University is reviewing the case consistent with its disciplinary procedures.”
Kevin Olsen in the year 2014 left Miami after team violation and legal suspension. Followingly he was also suspended from Towson for breaking the rules frequently while before getting transferred to Charlotte he spent a year in the Riverside City College in California.