Andy Stanley - A Family Man Who Knows How To Make Them Feel Special!

Relationships are precious; some enjoy the dimension of relations sharing possible tidbits to others, while some just prefer cherishing the precious moments within the closed circle.
Well, at the end of the day it's about one's personal preference.
The senior pastor of multiple churches, Charles Andrew "Andy" Stanley, is amongst the one who prefers sharing the precious moments from his married life and family life to his fans and followers as well.
Want to get acquainted with all those information? Keep on reading!
Andy Stanley, a Family Man:
Andy Stanley walked down the aisle with his beautiful wife, Sandra Stanley on 6th August 1988 and they have completed 29 years of married life this year.
Andy dedicated a post to his wife on her birthday on May 31, 2015, quoting her as the 'finest woman' he knows.
Moreover, it's not just Andy who express love through social media sites. Sandra also dedicated a tweet to her husband, that reflected what Andy's presence means to her in her life.
The husband-wife duo who shares their birthday in the same month, also, shares three children together, son, Andrew, Garrett, and daughter, Allie Stanley. Moreover, the proud father of three expressed his love for them through tweets too.
Additionally, on the occasion of his daughters' birthday, Andy referred her as his princess and even mentioned that he is proud of her.
Andy's son Garett turned 21 on April 16, 2015, and as usual, Daddy Andy wished his lad a Happy Birthday through his social media.
Well, Andy surely didn't forget to mention his son, Andrew, if you had that thought for a while! Andy indeed wrote something even more beautiful for Andrew on his birthday, that read,
Happy B'day Andrew! If I could write a letter to me when I was your age, I'd tell me to be just like you.
If all these doesn't make Andy a family man, what will?
More About Andy Stanley:
The founder of a Worldwide Christian Organisation, 'North Point Ministries,' Andy is a senior pastor of Buckhead Church, North Point Community Church, Browns Bridge Church, Woodstock City Church, Gwinnett Church, and Decatur City Church.
Stanley, who received a bachelor's degree from 'Georgia State University' in Journalism later earned a master's degree from 'Dallas Theological Seminary.' He initially worked as Associate Pastor and Minister to Students at 'First Baptist Atlanta' for several years. He along with five other people then founded 'North Point Community Church' in 1995, which now is one among the largest churches in the USA.
Furthermore, Andy has an influential voice, and as a result of which, he has been a frequent speaker at the Willow Creek Association's 'Global Leadership Summit.' Moreover, Andy's quotes which are mostly inspired by God, Church, and Leadership, and are equally influential,
"The church wasn't an organization in the first century. They weren't writing checks or buying property. The church has matured and developed over the years. But for some reason, the last thing to change is the structure of leadership."
Well, Andy, 59 has served as a pastor for quite a time now; however, his salary is a mystery, unlike his family life!