
Cherie Blair Sticks To her Marriage Vows As She Buttressed Her Husband In Dark Times While Fending Off Any Divorce Rumors

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Often, marriages end because of infidelity issues, but there are few cases where the couple battle the issues together and emerge even stronger. Cherie Blair also stood as a strong pillar for her husband during what was undoubtedly a dark time for the foundation of their married life.
Cherie Blair Sticks To her Marriage Vows As She Buttressed Her Husband In Dark Times While Fending Off Any Divorce Rumors

Often, marriages end because of infidelity issues, but there are few cases where the couple battle the issues together and emerge even stronger. Cherie Blair also stood as a strong pillar for her husband during what was undoubtedly a dark time for the foundation of their married life.

Cherie Blair, an avid lecturer, and barrister is married to the British politician Tony Blair. The couple tied the knot on 1980 and is together for over three decades along with their four kids; Euan, Nicholas, Kathryn, and Leo. However, in 2013, the couple’s married life was put to the test after her husband was rumored to have an extra-marital affair.

Caption: Cherie Blair with husband Tony Blair and their four children at Downing Street on June 27, 2007.

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The Extra-Marital Affair Issue: 

It all started in 2013 when the news surfaced about Cherie’s husband, former Prime Minister Tony Blair started being close to media mogul Rupert Murdoch’s wife, Wendi Deng. Rupert Murdoch divorced his wife of 14 years after he grew suspicious towards his wife’s changing behavior and frequent detours.

Caption: Tony Blaire celebrating Wendi Deng's 40th birthday with Rupert Murdoch in New York in 2008.

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Tony and Wendi took a business tour together to Wendi’s native country China, and in that period, Tony and Wendi grew close and became fond of each other. Soon, the close growing relationships were followed by home and at club visits. No matter how many times Tony visited Wendi at her residences; she never took the liberty to tell her husband but instead lied about staying to girlfriend’s place.

While going through the company’s emails, a memo from Wendi to herself was discovered which read,

‘Oh s***, oh s***. Whatever why I’m so so missing Tony. Because he is so charming and his clothes are so good. He has such a good body and he had his really, really good legs Butt [sic] . . . and he is slim tall and good skin. Pierce blue eyes which I love. Love his eyes. Also I love his power on the stage . . . and what else what else what else . . .’

Moreover, after inquiring his servants in Carmel home, Rupert learned that Tony stayed overnight on April 27, 2013, and was also spotted while joining Wendi to the bedroom and closing the door.

Supporting Her Husband Amid Of Rumored Affair: 

Cherie aggressively defended her husband Tony after the accusation of having an affair with his friend of 20 years, Rupert’s wife, given the fact that Tony is a godfather to Rupert and Wendi’s daughter Grace. A source close to Cherie stated,

“Cherie isn’t having any of it. She knows these rumours are absolute nonsense. She trusts Tony implicitly and knows he wouldn’t do anything to hurt her or their kids. She is bemused and baffled by the whole thing.”

The source further added,

“Besides, Tony wouldn’t dare. He’s too scared of Cherie.”

Another spokesperson also claimed that Tony and Wendi were not having an affair while talking in response to a report from Hollywood Reporter,

“If you are asking if they are having an affair, the answer is no.”

With Cherie’s support, both Tony and Wendi denied the fact about having an affair, but that was not enough to pacify the 85 years old Rupert who refused to take any further calls from old friend Tony hours after the divorce announcement and expressed his disappointment,

‘The Wendi Murdoch affair put me off. The real man was revealed. He’s incapable of self-criticism. I felt so naïve.’

Divorce Rumors After Striking Distance: 

In 2015, Cherie and Tony’s personal lives came to the public’s notice after they couple reportedly started living separately; leaving a question mark on their once-blissful relationship. Cherie and Tony were hardly together at any events. When The Dailymail interrogated two people who were considerably close to the couple about the possibility of the pair's divorce, one of them revealed,

‘I can only say that, if Cherie were contemplating divorce, Tony would do everything he possibly could to dissuade her.’

The other person said,

‘She’ll never divorce him. If he ever were proved to have had an affair, her hatred of the media would be greater than her hatred of him.’

It is not sure why the couple made their distance, but chances of divorce as an outcome is slim because Cherie supported her husband through thick and thin and that proved that she would continue to do so.

Cherie Blair Foundation for Women: 

After meeting women around the world, Cherie Blair learned that there is so much to what women can achieve if provided the right support, and aiming to make women engaged in more commercial works in the society they live in, Cherie founded the ‘Cherie Blair Foundation for Women’ in 2008.

The Foundation has helped many women to become entrepreneurs in the Africa, South Asia, and the Middle East and is currently continuing to so.

Father’s Favorite Among Eight: 

Cherie has a famous actor father, Tony Booth and is the eldest of eight siblings; however, Tony considers Cherie as her favorite daughter and is as proud as a father can be. In late 2010, Tony Booth talked about his daughters and revealed that he does not love Cherie’s half sister Lauren.  

Caption: Cherie Blaire with her father Tony Booth in 2014.

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Tony and Cherie both have not talked with Lauren for some years because of the things she said about Cherie and Tony which in his view, were unforgivable. When Tony was asked if he loved Lauren, he replied,

‘No, I don’t think I do.’

The fact that Lauren said something unforgivable stays as it is, but the other contributing factor that made her estranged from her elder sister and father might be her conversion from Judaism to Islam. As of 2010, Lauren embraced Islam and now has stopped eating pork meat and no longer drinks and also reads Koran on a daily basis.

Caption: Lauren Booth started wearing hijab after converting to Islam from Judaism.

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‘If I thought she genuinely believed in Islam, it would be a different ­matter. But I’m afraid I don’t.’

Says Tony while further continuing,

‘I honestly don’t know what her motivation is. Maybe it’s mischief-making. Maybe a career move. Is she after a job with Al Jazeera, the Arabic news network? I don’t know, but it’s madness.’

Phone Hacked While Pregnant:

In 2000, news about Cherie being pregnant surfaced the internet, but the peculiar thing is that only a few numbers of people knew about it. Alastair Campbell, Tony Blair’s communication director, was then was bewildered on how the media got hold of the information related to Cherie.

“I have never understood how the Mirror learned of Cherie’s pregnancy. At the time only a tiny number of people in Downing Street knew she was pregnant.”