How Did Dianne Wiest Have Two Daughter Without Having A Husband At The First Place? Trouble In Personal Life?

“I used to rule the world
Seas would rise when I gave the word
Now in the morning I sleep alone
Sweep the streets I used to own.”
Above lyrics is that of one of the famous band, Coldplay’s ‘Viva La Vida.' This song coincides with Academy Award winner actress, Dianne Wiest. What’s her story behind being an Oscar-winning actress to struggling to live in an apartment? We’ll reveal it all!
Struggling To Pay Rent!
Although she is a two-time Oscar-winning actress in supporting role Dianne Wiest is struggling hard to find enough work to afford her apartment in New York City.
Speaking to the New York Times, the 66-year-old academy award winner actress explained how she finds it hard to earn enough film and roles in television to pay the rent of her apartment, believed to be in Manhattan's West 79th Street.
'I have to move out of my apartment soon,' she admitted to NY times in January of 2015. A two-bed apartment at the Dianne Wiest’s apartment complex is currently advertised online at a rental price of $5,300 per month.
Moreover, in an interview to promote her role in the new dark comedy, “Rasheeda Speaking,” Miss Wiest revealed that she never attempts to re-invent herself for a role. But instead, leaves it to fate. Ms. Wiest who has adopted two daughters, Emily and Lily said:
'I think that if it’s meant to happen, it will happen - which is I guess a real sign of stupidity,'
Earlier in 2011, the New York Post reported that Dianne Wiest was involved in a lawsuit against her landlord in West 78th Street apartment building. The landlord of Dianne Wiest was apparently illegally charging tenants market-rate rent although he was getting a tax break from the city that should have provided for rent-stabilization.
Never Married? How True Can it Be?
Caption: Dianne Wiest with daughters Emily and Lily stopping to look at apartment listings at the West Village, New York (2008).
Photo credit:
Wiest has never been married throughout her life but has two adopted children, Emily and Lily who was born in 1987 and 1991. She is graduated student from the University of Maryland in 1969 and holds a degree in Arts and Sciences.
Moreover, she was in a long-term relationship with famous Hollywood agent, Samuel Cohn for many years but was never married and Samuel wasn’t her husband although he was married three times.
A Moment Of Glory And Praise
Caption: Dianne Wiest winning Best Supporting Actress for "Hannah and Her Sisters"(1986).
It is true indeed that Dianne is not having best of times lately. Previously Dianne Wiest won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for both movies Hannah and Her Sisters in 1986 and Bullets over Broadway in 1994. Although she was such a successful actress back then, she is struggling as of the date, and the impact can be seen on her net worth. Despite being a Hollywood actress, she doesn't have net worth as her fellow companion as she is finding it hard even to pay rent of her apartment!