Laurie David Tells All-Tale On Her Relation With Husband After Divorce! Dating Someone Now?

Not every choice you take in your life can be correct. The person whom you find perfect today as your partner might turn out to be imperfect in the future. You can’t guarantee that your partner will be with you forever and your marital relationship with them will have a happy ending.
A blissful and long lasting relationship is essential to have a peaceful life. So when either one of the pair finds sourness in their relationship with any of the reasons, they tend to end their relationship.
After a failed marriage, some people try to find a better person as their partner, while some try to maintain a good relationship with their estranged partner while they are focusing more on their career.
The environmental activist Laurie David is one of them, who is in good terms with her ex-husband even after divorce. Today, let's take a look at the married life of Laurie David and find out the reason for the end of their relationship.
Laurie David’s Slip And Failed Married Life:
An outspoken Hollywood environmentalist, Laurie was married to "Seinfeld" creator Larry David on March 31, 1993. A year later on May 10, the pair welcomed a daughter Cazzie Laurel, and on March 2, 1996, they welcomed their second daughter, Romy March.
Caption: Laurie and Larry David with their daughters pictured together while enjoying a family dinner.
Photo Credit: Huffington Post
After around 15 years of their married life, on June 5, 2007, Laurie and her former husband, Larry announced their decision to separate amicably.
She later filed for divorce on July 13, 2007, seeking joint custody of their two daughters. According to their representative-
“It’s completely amicable. They are both really sad but they are great friends and they are still spending a lot of time together at their LA home with their kids.”
Opens Up About Her Family Issues:
The producer of Oscar-winning documentary “An Inconvenient Truth,” Laurie David published a book called “The Family Dinner: Great Ways to Connect with Your Kids, One Meal at a Time” in 2010.
In her book, she explains the nutritional virtues of eating together as a family and the bonding powers between them.
Moreover, as the regular contributing blogger for The Huffington Post, Laurie has also revealed more about her book, family dinner and her relationship with her estranged husband and kids in 2011 issue of the magazine.
Right after ending the relationship with Larry, they both decided to try something a little unorthodox which is called “nesting.” According to Laurie-
“Nesting isn’t something everyone can do; both parties really have to cooperate and have the resources to do it. Luckily for us, it worked: Rituals remained intact, bedrooms stayed the same, even Dad coming home two nights a week helped every- one ease into the change. Still, I remember a lot of brooding meals and awkward, forced conversation between bites.”
She gushed that her family initially had many awkward and forced conversations while they had dinner together.
Laurie, who makes frequent appearances at political events, is not found to be dating anyone right now. However, in 2010, she was rumored to be having an affair with Al Gore, after he surprisingly ended his relationship with his wife, Mary Elizabeth "Tipper."
But the close friends of them revealed that Gore is not Laurie’s boyfriend.
Fifty-nine-years old Laurie seems to be busy inclining her career even at this age, as she remains focused in many social activities and campaigns. Despite the success in career, Laurie’s earnings are yet to be disclosed.
However, her ex-husband's net worth was reported to be of $400 million in the year 2015.
Stay with us for the budding updates on Laurie David!