Steven Michael Quezada Wants More "Breaking Bad"

The American actor, Steven Michael Quezada is much known for his role in the AMC Network's series, Breaking Bad. Steven Michael Quezada is "Breaking Bad" character in the TV series but there is much more than that meets the eye.
His never-giving-up attitude, desire for more success is a "Breaking Bad" quality which is showcased all over his on-screen life and real life.
So, let us find out all about the Breaking Bad of the American actor, Steven has to offer!
Steven Michael Quezada's "Breaking Bad" Both On Reel and Real Life
In the American TV series, Breaking Bad (2008-2013), Steven Michael Quezada portrayed the role of a DEA agent, Steven Gomez and grabbed the attention of the mass audience.
Prior to the Emmy-winning show, Breaking Bad, he appeared on various shows like Wildfire, The After After Party and In Plain Sight. But, throughout his acting career, the role of Steven Gomez in Breaking Bad was his most acclaimed on-screen role.
The Breaking Bad show was a special project for Steven as the show provided him both high name and fame and also due to show's filming location. The show, Breaking Bad was filmed in Steven's hometown which he talked about the connection in an interview with in 2010. He was asked about his feeling to film the show in the location where he grew up to which he replied,
"I grew up on the rough side of town. I had to fight my way to and back from school, so I know that part of Albuquerque. They’re not sugar-coating something. The good news is that it’s not just Albuquerque, so it doesn’t make me feel bad. People say they make it look bad, and I say do you watch Law and Order or CSI? It makes me not want to go to Las Vegas man. Breaking Bad gives a realistic view of what really is going on. They really show Albuquerque for what Albuquerque is."
The show, Breaking Bad is known mostly for its badass characters where Steven Quezada also portrayed as one of the tough characters alongside his co-stars Bryan Cranston, RJ Mitte, Caleb Landry etc
The highly acclaimed show, Breaking Bad aired its final episode on 29 September 2013 but Steven's "Breaking Bad" did not stop and went further to his real-life. He ran for Albuquerque Public School Board, where his three out of his four children attended and became unopposed school's Board member in February 2013.
Even while running for the School Board, he was targeted by political blackmailers which he revealed in March 2016 via a Facebook video. He received a frightening email by threatening him to take back his name from Bernalillo County Board of Commissioners unless his old DWI conviction would be exposed. Also, the unknown blackmailer threatened to publish Steven's booking mugshots.
However, he made a name in the School Board despite the threats.
The Breaking Bad actor's ambitions grew more after he ran for Bernalillo County Commissioner in 2016. Steven Michael Quezada won the election for Bernalillo County Commissioner leaving behind the opponents like Adrián Pedroza and Robert Chavez with over 35 percent of votes.
As the county commissioner, Steven promoted the local movie industry in 2017 when he produced a feature film in town titled "Duke City." To boost the local industry, Steven also hosted an investor presentation at Rio Bravo Brewhouse on 21 September 2017.
Similarly, in February 2018, Steven approved the trade with Singapore by sending Commissioner Maggie Hart Stebbins to the event, The International Trade Fair for Wine and Spirits dated April 2018 in Singapore.
Steven, who is a Democrat by heart, is also courageous on his political opinions. He supported Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential race and even talked about The U.S. President, Donald Trump's Mexican border plans. In the interview with in June 2016, he stated,
“I think there’s other ways besides building a wall, I think we should be building bridges and not walls and figure out how we can resolve this issue without having to try to get people to go back to Mexico but make them citizens of the United States, make them taxpayers, use that money, that’s important to a state like New Mexico where we need to build our tax base and this is a great opportunity for us to do that,”
Not only his political career, his whole acting career is one of a kind itself, which shows there is no limit for Steven's desire for success.
Active in the industry since 2005, Steven has completed around thirteen years as an actor and is still continuing to entertain an audience. Studying from the Theatre Arts at Eastern New Mexico University, he had walked a long way in both acting and comedy world with a lot of struggles in between. He even jumped to comedy to feed himself and his family, which he revealed in an interview with in September 2013 saying,
"It was tough, because I wanted to be funny, and they wrangled that right away when I auditioned. I got to talk with Vince, and he said, "This is gonna be a challenge for you, but we believe that you can do it. When you walked in the room I saw Gomez." But I did theater first and then I went into comedy. You gotta understand, there weren't a whole lot of roles for Hispanics in the Eighties, so comedy was really the way I could really feed myself and eventually feed my family. I was an actor who learned to be a comic, and it's cool to come back and get back into acting move forward in the direction I started out to do in the beginning.|
One of the comedians of Breaking Bad like Matt Jones, Lavell Crawford, Bill Burr and Bob Odenkirk, Steven has appeared in a number of films and TV shows with notable roles doing both comedy and acting.
Presently, Steven is gearing up for his upcoming projects like Duke City (2018), which is in the pre-production stage, Aurora's Law (2018), which is in the post-production stage, Wish Man, also in the post-production stage and Flexx.
Steven Michael Quezada's Married Life
Amercian television star and political aficionado, Steven Michael Quezada is a married man. He got married to Cherise Desiree Quezada in 2007. Steven, who has been serving the community as county commissioner since 2017, also has the wife sharing the same passion for serving the community. Steven's wife was awarded Community Champion Award for her contribution towards the community in August 2017 which Steven shared in one of his tweets.
The couple shares four children together which Steven frequently shares on his social media.
Steven Michael Quezada's and Cherise Desiree Quezada wedding (Photo: Steven's Facebook)
Steven has three daughters; Renne Quezada, Ana Quezada, and Reina Quezada. Renne Quezada, who is in a relationship with Ross Rader, is a bank teller at Southwest Capital Bank. Similarly, Ana Quezada is the 2013's graduate from Public Academy for Performing Arts.
Steven's other children, Riena Quezada is the crewman at Dion's, who previously studied at CNM Central New Mexico Community College and The Public Academy for Performing Arts.
In his spare time, he loves being with his family and loves playing golf. He has also provided acting classes for the local kids and the aspiring filmmakers, he has provided on-the-job training.
That’s great, isn’t it?