
These Are The Green Tea Benefits Only Known To Scientists & About 5% Population

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Green tea is the new cool for a health-conscious community replacing coffee and caffeine-added drinks. The fresh drink is full of nutrients and anti-oxidants is helping the mass tackle with several recent times diseases and illnesses. Considered to have originated from ancient China, the green tea culture soon mushroomed swiftly and became a whole world trend. Aside from providing a perspective of our ancestors' healthy drinking habits, green tea is a package full of benefits, ranging from helping in the digestive system to preventing several fatal illnesses.
These Are The Green Tea Benefits Only Known To Scientists & About 5% Population

Green tea is the new cool for a health-conscious community replacing coffee and caffeine-added drinks. The fresh drink is full of nutrients and anti-oxidants is helping the mass tackle with several recent times diseases and illnesses. 

Considered to have originated from ancient China, the green tea culture soon mushroomed swiftly and became a whole world trend. Aside from providing a perspective of our ancestors' healthy drinking habits, green tea is a package full of benefits, ranging from helping in the digestive system to preventing several fatal illnesses.

Let's spare few moments how useful can green tea be in people's day-to-day lives. 

Less-Known Green Tea's Benefits To Public, Proved By Scientists

The Anti-Aging Herb

Green tea is your next "fountain of eternal youth."

As per research, green tea can help to prevent wrinkles of the face, which is a major factor to show the signs of aging. An abundance of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances, green tea is proven to mitigate the effects of sun damage.

Further, a study conducted in 2007 revealed that green tea could be the next alternative for treating psoriasis and inflammatory skin diseases.

Green tea is helpful in enhancing the complexion skin and reduces the signs of aging (Photo:

Moreover, this tea can also be used as a beauty supplement by applying a mask on the skin. This method can enhance the beauty of the surface by increasing fairness and reducing scars, dark circles, acne, and more.

Helps Attain A Slimmer Body

Green tea has proven usefulness in helping people with their weight-loss issues.

Research has shown that this drink can increase the rate of fat burning mainly in the abdominal area and also in boosting the metabolic rate. Further, they also help in burning calories providing a more natural way for weight loss. Drinking as little as 2 to 3 cups a day of green tea can help a person achieve a more lean and slim body.

Women before and after consumption of green tea for few months (Photo:

However, these effects may not apply to all people, meaning some might not enjoy benefits of this drink. Further, only drinking green tea may be useful for people with serious weight problems. They will have to consider the old-fashioned way of losing pounds, i.e., running and exercising.

Fights Hair Loss

Green tea is an effective way to combat the issues of hair loss. The catechins found in green tea contain 5-alpha-reductase which blocks one of the critical components of hair loss, Dihydrotestosterone. The drink can also promote the growth of new hair and reduce the problems of dry scalp and dandruff. 

Green Tea reverses the process of hair resulting in a thicker and stronger hair (Photo:

Green tea contains a generous amount of polyphenol which helps the growth of hair cells by strengthing the roots and activating hair follicles.

A Smarter Brain, Battles Diseases

Green tea helps the brain function more efficiently by improving mood, reaction time, vigilance and memory. It is also known to make a person smarter. Wondering if the secret of Einstein's brilliance was green tea!

Green tea is especially helpful to people in their old age as it has shown to lower the risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.

Green tea, which is rich in antioxidants, can also be useful to fight cancer and has shown its effectiveness in preventing the breast, prostate and colorectal cancer.

Also, the drink helps in fighting type 2 diabetes and reducing the risk of Cardiovascular diseases including Cholesterol and triglycerides.

As you may know that sun is the primary source of life here on earth, but it also causes skin cancer and other defects if overexposed. In the same way, green tea also has its harmfulness and could cause serious health problems if not taken with caution.

Cons of Drinking Green Tea

  • Drinking a large quantity of green tea can cause hallucinations in people.
  • Although green tea doesn't contain a high amount of caffeine like in coffee, still it has a small portion of the substance and can cause insomnia, anxiety, nausea or irritability, if taken in a massive dose.
  • Green tea should be avoided by people taking blood-thinners such as Coumadin/warfarin as it can reduce the clotting effect of platelets.
  • It is not suitable for pregnant ladies as it contains tannins which decrease the absorption of folic and iron acids.
  • Green is not regulated by the FDA and could contain some harmful components which may have some negative impacts on the health. Consumers must take caution of this fact and consult a doctor before starting a new herb.

The consumption of the drink depends on the will of the people. So, whether you want to use it as a medicine to better your health condition or as a weapon to further deteriorate it, is solely in your hands.