Tips To Propose Your Beloved: Proposal Ideas and Best Way to Propose

Do you know how relationships evolve?- Hearts meet, communicate, fall in love and finally approach each other for marriage. In this very approach portion, the continuity of relations is actually decided.
Damn! This idea of proposing excites everyone. The possibility of having him/her as your soul mate is certainly exciting. But how are you going to propose? The World come crashing on you all of a sudden because you know nothing about proposing. And it is here my role comes into play. Necessary tips to propose your beloved are mentioned and briefly explained below:
1. Ascertain that he/she is the one
It is only when damage has been done that most people realize they have committed a mistake. Marriage isn’t something you can dive into without making sure you can float around. Your life is at stake so, take your time to make sure this is the best thing that can happen to you. Sometimes, emotions can be mistaken. At times, you may mistake attraction for love and propose in haste without realizing that it is an abyss you are falling into. You can’t just experiment on the serious subject like this.
2. Be prepared for “NO”
The Proposal is a question where results can go either way. There definitely is the celebration for acceptance. However, you should also be well aware of gloom that can overshadow you on being rejected. Often, people go to the extent of killing themselves after being unable to handle the anxiety of not getting what they wanted. So, be strong enough to face the bitter side of things.
3. Rehearse until you are all set to go
Questions of when, where and how will haunt you the most during the eve of proposing. However, if you have rehearsed this event well, worry and stress are going to be null. Get a friend of yours and do the role playing. Finalize the spot and course of actions you will be using next day. Remember! it is him/her who should be surprised not you.
4. Use creative Approaches of proposing
Proposing is all about making your beloved one feel special and making it tough for her to say "no". You can make use of more realistic and practical steps or you can go all frenzy with rose. People go the extent of proposing through the mediums of flash mobs, aerial banner, live telecast and high profile messages. I doubt if anyone using the aerial banners were ever turned down.
5. Make sure you celebrate
Of course, one who is yelling yes will be devastated if the one proposing fizzes out after receiving "yes". Make sure you make the event count by gathering people and throwing a small treat at least. You should let your beloved know that you meant what you said at the time of proposing. Accepting a proposal is not a contract being sealed, it can be broken anytime in future. So, make sure to keep flames of love burning.