Star Jones' Ex-Husband Al Reynolds Is Not Gay! He Just Came Out As A Bisexual Man
Quick Information
Star Jones’ ex-husband, Al Reynolds acknowledged his sexuality and came out as bisexual through an interview with Radar Online as published on Thursday, November 2.
Al Reynolds, who separated from his ex-wife, Star Jones; ending four years of married life in 2008, accepted his sexuality as,
"Today, I accept myself as a bisexual man. I am capable of loving both sexes, and I have done both."
Al Reynolds was well aware that people were questioning his sexuality. He divulged,
Ever since I have been in the public eye, people have been speculating on my sexuality. And ‘speculating’ is a kind word for how it actually played out. With anger and disdain, people have been calling me out as gay, closeted, a sham and even nastier; much nastier.
Al Reynolds shared that he wasn’t ready to accept his sexuality before, but now, he has reached the time where he can be who he is, in front of the world.
I have come to a point in my life where I am ready to discuss my truth. I wasn’t ready to do this then — I wasn’t even ready to think about it, let alone process it. To understand my journey and how I got to this point, you need to understand a little about me.
He even gave an insight on how his religious background held him back to accept his sexuality out in the open.
I am the youngest of six children in a Southern Baptist family. We grew up in a three-bedroom mobile home in Horsepasture, Virginia. We were deeply religious; when we weren’t in church we were in school or an after-school activity. My life was filled with vacation bible school, missionary meetings, Sunday school, choir practice and youth ministry.
He added,
Life was not nuanced or frivolous, nor did it allow any time for introspection. It was clear and proscribed, black and white, angels or sinners. And people who were intimate with others of their own gender were the worst of all with no chance of redemption, or the glorious afterlife that I was taught awaited us all.
Moreover, Al Reynolds shared his inner turmoil while being closeted,
As a black man, that message and the hate and homophobia were multiplied to the nth degree. I saw no path out that would resolve my personal feelings with my deeply held and ingrained religious beliefs.
He further expressed,
This internal dissonance was a powerful thing, like a cancer eating at one’s soul. This resulted in some tough times — homelessness, unemployment, dependence on drugs and alcohol, public assistance, and, at the center of it all, a deep, deep shame and a feeling of unworthiness of the love of God. I didn’t believe I deserved to live a good life, and I clearly didn’t.
He admitted that; to divert his attention, he focused on getting the best education and ended up earning three degrees. He accepted that he was an overachiever, who was running away from the real issues of life, following which, Reynold turned workaholic and became a banker, consultant, an academic, and even was on Wall Street, which, however, has boosted his net worth to $5million.
While Al Reynolds was procrastinating to face the problems of his life, he met people from all walks of his life who had multi-dimensional viewpoints and lifestyles one could only imagine.
Reynolds shared that he learned from his experiences and became open-minded. Further, he has been able to love greater, deeper and better, most importantly himself as a result of his acceptance of being a bisexual man.
Today I accept myself as a bisexual man. I have learned that sexual orientation is not binary, at least for me. I am capable of loving both sexes, and I have done both. My relationships, all of them, have been honest and based on my attraction to the other person. When I am in love I don’t equivocate, nor do I waver.
He further emphasized,
I tell this story to both encourage my personal path, as well as give some small measure of hope to others that no matter your beginnings, no matter the obstacles, there is nothing so fulfilling and Godlike as living the life that was destined.
I will not live in fear or shame any longer. I will revel in the light of my truth and bask in the light of my Savior Jesus Christ who loves me and accepts me exactly as He created me.
Al Reynolds' step of acknowledging his sexuality out in the open would liberate himself while encouraging many to do the same as well!