Bill O'Reilly Lands A New Contract with the Fox News Despite Controversy of Sexual Harassment!

Bill O'Reilly, who has been on the news everywhere has now landed a new contract with the Fox News. Bill O'Reilly is the same man who previously was in the center of attraction for his controversy with President Donald Trump along with recent sexual harassment claims of dirty phone calls, unwanted kisses, and hotel room invites.
Rachel Bernstein, Andrea Mackris, Rebecca Diamond, Laurie Dhue, & Juliet Huddy are the five women who accused Bill of the sexual harassment. However, Bill has been backed by Fox and the two have paid around 13 million USD for the settlement with the women. The women have all worked or been on the show with Bill at some point in the past.
Fox released a statement regarding the vulnerability of Bill towards lawsuits. The statement read,
'Notwithstanding the fact that no current or former Fox News employee ever took advantage of the 21st Century Fox hotline to raise a concern about Bill O'Reilly, even anonymously, we have looked into these matters over the last few months and discussed them with Mr. O'Reilly. "
The statement further mentioned,
'While he denies the merits of these claims, Mr. O'Reilly has resolved those he regarded as his personal responsibility.
'Mr. O'Reilly is fully committed to supporting our efforts to improve the environment for all our employees at Fox News.'
However, Fox News has not answered any questions regarding this controversy as Fox is dealing another lawsuit as well, which is filed against former Fox head, Roger Ailes.
Caption: Bill O'Reilly lands a new contract with the Fox News amidst the sexual harassment accusations.
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Bill further gave his verdict on the pay provided to the women who accused him of sexual harassment.
'Just like other prominent and controversial people, I'm vulnerable to lawsuits from individuals who want me to pay them to avoid negative publicity,'
Furthermore, some sources claim that Bill has even paid the women 10 million USD personally for the settlement of this particular issue.
Now that Fox and Bill have joined forces to get rid of this accusation of "wrongdoing," Bill has also received a lucrative contract from the Fox News.
As O’Reilly is among the highest-paid personalities in TV news, the estimated yearly salary mentioned on his recent contract is a huge sum of $18 million. His deal with Fox News had previously been set to expire at the end of this year.
This new contract is sure to boost his net worth, which at the moment in time is estimated to be around $70 million.