Monica Lewinsky Blames Fox News For Walloping Her Young Dating Scandal With Bill Clinton

In a shocking and recent turn of events, Monica Lewinsky has fired some serious shots at the mighty Fox News.
This initiated after Monica lashed out at the news channel for becoming the top news broadcaster for the past 15 years by outing her and former President Bill Clinton's young dating affair.
She wrote in an op-ed for New York Times, "Roger Ailes’s Dream Was My Nightmare,"
Just two years after Rupert Murdoch appointed Mr. Ailes to head the new cable news network, my relationship with President Bill Clinton became public.
She then added,
Mr. Ailes, a former Republican political operative, took the story of the affair and the trial that followed and made certain his anchors hammered it ceaselessly, 24 hours a day.
It worked like magic: The story hooked viewers and made them Fox loyalists. For the past 15 years, Fox News has been the No. 1 news station; last year the network made about $2.3 billion.
"Their dream was my nightmare. My character, my looks and my life were picked apart mercilessly."
Monica Lewinsky is entitled to say all these and hold a grudge, as no one in their early 20s should face such scrutiny as she did. And it was not ideal that her sexual affair with Former President Bill Clinton exploded into a spicy scandal of unprecedented proportions.
However, there are invariably two sides to a coin, and news has circulated that it was Mr. Clinton who rather outed the dating affair and not Fox.
So without any major pieces of evidence, let us not reach any major conclusion right away!
But what the incident did to Monica was totally harsh on her, and as a result, she never got married and had a husband in her life despite having had a boyfriend later in her life. The main reason why she chose not to marry, as per her friends, is the fact that she is still in love with Bill Clinton.
A friend of her said,
‘Monica still hasn’t got over Bill and would take him back in a second,’
The friend also added,
‘She told me: “There will never be another man in my life that could make me as happy as he did",'
‘Monica still carries a torch for him. She’s dated some guys, off and on, since the whole White House mess. But she’s never been able to get Bill out of her heart’.
Caption: The then President Clinton and Miss Lewinsky were involved in a sexual relationship back in time.
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Moreover, during an interview back in 2015, she stated that she is not a fan of making her personal life open to the media. She said,
“You can ask it, but I keep my personal life private. I think people have known enough about my romantic life for a lifetime,”
Now given the fact that she does not like publicizing her personal life in front of the people out there, it is understandable why she has lashed out at the news channel.
Know More About Monica Lewinsky:
Monica Lewinsky, who was born on July 23, 1973, in San Francisco, California, is the former White House intern. Speaking of her family, her father, Bernard Lewinsky, is an oncologist by profession while her mother, Marcia Kaye Vilensky, is a well-known author who publishes under the name "Marcia Lewis." Her parents got divorced back in 1988.
Talking about her education, she attended elementary school in Bel-Air and then Beverley Hills High school. Moreover, in 2006, she earned a master's degree from the London School of Economics in social psychology and all the knowledge she acquired has helped her become the person she is today.
Also, she is an established entrepreneur, and with all the hard work and dedication, she has done her financial life a world of good as her net worth dwells around $500 thousand.
Stay with us for the emerging updates on the story of Monica Lewinsky and Former President Bill Clinton!