Nigel Barker: Love at First Sight With Model Wife: Talked About Being Sexually Assaulted at Young Age

British Fashion photographer, television personality, author, spokesperson, filmmaker and former model, Nigel Barker and his model wife Chin Barker still manage to look steaming hot couple.
Even though this duo, have perfectly complimented one another and has been blessed with lovely children( hence he is not gay), Barker seems to have undergone through a severe psychological trauma of sexual assault. Let’s further look at the personal story of this couple and pull out some secret from their closet….
Married, Wife, and Children:
Caption: Nigel Barker with his model wife Cristen "Crissy" Chin Barker and two young children.
This ravishing duo first met in Milan through Chrissy's agent, and the moment was love at the first sight for Barker. After meeting beautiful and good-hearted Crissy, the handsome hunk felt happy to meet his lady luck. He wasted no time and tried to impress her with the line. And Viola! it did work even though it was out of context.
During a 2006 interview he gave to Page Six Magazine alongside his wife, Nigel explained the entire situation. He said:
"That night," (explains rubbing her knee), "I called my mom and said, 'I've met this girl, and I'm gonna marry her.' The ground moved. As beautiful as she is on the outside, she's also got an incredible heart".
"I had the worst pickup line of all time," Nigel continues. "I had these terrible mosquito bites, big welts on my arm from the night before. I looked at her and said, 'You just arrived in Milan? Mosquitoes are really bad this time of year-look at my arm!'
Hearing her husband loving words, Crissy appreciated Nigel before giving him a smooth peck. She said in the interview:
"You played it well, my dear,"
After impressing her like a Romeo following her for quite some period, the handsome fellow finally married the Cover Girl Model on 16th Oct 1999 in her hometown of Fairhope Alabama. They were first blessed with a son, Jack, on 28th November 2005 and a baby girl Jasmin on 7th Dec 2008.
According to the 2012 published article interview, they are happily residing in their West Village Apartment with a fine panorama of the Hudson River. If they are still there, it will be around 15 years of well-spent "home sweet home" memories.
On 12th April 2016, in an honor of the sexual assault month, the actor disclosed about being sexually assaulted at the young age of eight.
As posted on the, the actor has given full disclosure of the event on how he was conned, nearly assaulted and how he fought back. He even disclosed about the dilemma he faced in regards to confessing the entire story to his parents.
In a recent interview with, he said:
“I went up to the door and read the names on the buzzers . I went to push it, and he pushed me from behind, jolted me through the doors and I fell to my feet inside the door. The door closed and I’m now trapped between a stairwell inside and a shut door. I have a man who is much bigger than me, push me to the ground, grab me, pull my trousers and my pants down. I’m now exposed, and I’m screaming and thrashing.I kicked, and I actually kicked him in the nuts, and he sort of jumped back for a second. Enough for me to get up, squeeze out, and as he tried to grab for me in the back of my neck and the back of my hair, I ran out.And I ran all the way home. Now here's the thing: I didn't tell anyone. I didn't tell my parents. I didn't tell my brothers. I told no one. I was humiliated. I was scared. I was worried. I thought I had done the wrong thing. I thought I had done the bad thing. It was something that stuck with me for a very long time."
After 30 plus years of the disgraceful experience, the star finally decided to reveal about the psychological disturbance he went through.As posted by daily mail, he said:
'It has never left my mind. I to this day can see it, feel it, hear it, smell it, you name it. It's right there with me and this is 30-odd years later.
Many tv stars have been the victim of sexual assault but only a few talk about their story, while few still continue to suffer. Even for the famous tv personality like Barker, it took a couple of years to confess about the assault that he faced in his childhood.
Now, the actor openly supports and encourages people to empower their children to stand up and fight against such act. He also said:
Get out there. Talk about it. And don't be afraid and Empower our children and our kids to do just that.
Nigel Barker's tweet on sexual violence
This is just beyond sickening- Indian woman allegedly raped twice by same men @CNN #unexcusable — Nigel Barker (@NigelBarker) July 19, 2016
Nigel Barker Net Worth:
The former model and fashion photographer, who was born in England, has a whopping net worth (estimated) of $35 million US Dollars. The actor came to prominence by hosting America’s no 1 reality show “America’s Next Top Model”.In the year 1996, the actor started his own photography studio in Manhattan.
After the Tv judge( America's Next Top Model, 2003) had been fired from his show, Nigel started working in the whole new genre of hosting his new model project. This millionaire actor is also involved in activities like publishing photo books, making documentaries and raising funds for Nine West Runway Relief (breast cancer charity)
Source: John Taylor, Youtube