Orlando Brown Arrested For Alleged Assualt Against Girlfriend; Call For A Split?

The Disney Star Orlando Brown was arrested on Thursday from his apartment in Barstow, California after an alleged assault against his girlfriend. As per reports, “That’s So Raven” star Orlando got into a heated argument with his girlfriend and girlfriend’s mother at about 8 a.m.
According to Barstow Police Department press release, the police discovered there were active warrants from 2016 for both Brown and his girlfriend as issued by the Torrance Police Department in Los Angeles. Brown was taken to San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department Barstow Jail in lieu of $25,000 bail after the argument with his girlfriend's family.
Orlando's charges date back to 2016’s incident when Brown was allegedly assaulting his girlfriend, Omena Alexandria in Torrance, California's police station parking lot. However, it remains unclear if the present case relates to the same girlfriend or a different one.
The witness of the incident spotted both Brown and Omena arguing nearby a cash machine. Further, police officers reported that Brown initially refused to leave his car and later found methamphetamine on him as reported by TMZ. He was arrested for the battery against a spouse, resisting a police officer and possession of a controlled substance.
The witness named Baller Alert uploaded a live stream on Instagram where both Brown and his girlfriend were having a heating argument which further seemed to turn physical.
Following the argument, Brown’s girlfriend, Omena Alexandria revealed various bruising and scarping from the incident across her arms, chin, and legs. She even revealed that Brown hit her during her pregnancy.
Despite such physical wounds, neither Orlando Brown nor his girlfriend came forward with the information that further hinted the split between two. Orlando, who was arrested for alleged assault, had the history of a similar incident back in 2014 when he drunkenly threatened a woman to kill her and her daughter.
According to police documents, Brown was arrested on July 24, 2014, in North Hollywood after he was seen banging the woman's door and shouting that he was going to:
“kill you, your mama, your daughter, everybody.”
The neighbors around were the ones who called 911 after they heard the commotion. Orlando was not charged with making death threats as the Los Angeles City Attorney claimed there wasn’t enough evidence to support the charge. He agreed to a plea deal with prosecutors for the incident and paid a minimal fine.