Oscar Winning Actress Sandra Bullock Donates $1 Million To Harvey Relief! And This Isn't The First Time

During the time of crisis and need, every single and tiny bit of help is worth a ton.
One person, who has offered a hand at helping the people who are suffering the catastrophic Hurricane Harvey in Houston, Texas is the Oscar winning actress Sandra Bullock, who has donated $1 million to the Harvey Red Cross relief, as per reports on August 29, 2017.
Sandra, who has a home in Texas, said,
“I’m just grateful I can do it. We all have to do our part.”
She also urged fellow Americans to stand up for one another during the time of need and also added that it is crucial for everyone to look past the heated political rhetoric, which is beyond the devastating storm. In her own words,
“There are no politics in eight feet of water. There are human beings in eight feet of water.”
Elizabeth Penniman, vice president of communications, Red Cross' national headquarters, applauded Sandra for her "gift."
"Especially during times of disaster, people see what’s happening in Texas and our hearts all go out to them,”
“Having someone like Sandra Bullock make this kind of commitment, it helps bring people together and open their hearts and be even more generous.”
Indeed this was a noble deed from Sandra's end, and we too would like to ask you to do as much as you can to help the ones, who have lost a lot in the calamity.
Not only Sandra, but plenty of other celebs have risen and gotten together to help the cause.
Kevin Hart, Dwayne Johnson, The Kardashians, Jennifer Lopez and others have also donated for the same cause.
Caption: Stars unite for helping the Harvey Red Cross Relief.
Video Credit: eonline.com
But this is not the first time Sandra has donated for a noble cause.
Since 2001, Sandra has given a total of $5 million to the Red Cross to help people out with relief efforts to those who have suffered from various disasters. That is not it; she has also built a clinic in one of New Orleans' oldest public high school.
Hats off Sandra! The world needs heroes like you!
Sandra Bullock's Personal Life: Her Husband And Motherhood:
Sandra Bullock was once married to her former husband, Jesse James. The two tied the knot back in 2005, and it was 2010 when James' cheating scandal led them to divorce in June 2012.
Speaking of his cheating and his unfaithfulness, James said,
“Yeah, I did cheat on my wife, yeah,”
“I stood up and took accountability for it and apologized. And that's end of story.”
Caption: Jesse James and Sandra Bullock were once married till they got divorced in June 2012.
Photo Credit: usmagazine.com
In his memoir, he also wrote some shocking facts about their relationship.
I thought of our relationship as small. I didn’t see her as “Sandra Bullock,” she was just Sandy. I knew that was a huge part of her life, but that’s not why I wanted to be with her. I’m sure subconsciously some part of my ego thought that would be cool, but when I thought about her, I thought about the desire to be normal. I think I’ve always longed for a family and the normalcy that I’ve never experienced.
Sad to know that the two, who adopted a son together after four hard and long years of processing, just let it pass following their crumbled marriage.
Caption: Sandra Bullock appeared on the cover of People Magazine with her son Louis.
Photo Credit: People
In 2010, Sandra and James were finally able to bring their adopted son Louis home.
Sandra shared her happiness as,
“He’s just perfect, I can’t even describe him any other way,”
“It’s like he’s always been a part of our lives.”
But after they got divorced, the custody ended up being with Sandra and James said losing his son was the most difficult thing for him.
"I think losing my son that I adopted, for sure -- not being able to see him and see him grow up and all that stuff,"
"Whether that's fair, whether I should've lost a kid due to infidelity -- which I don't think anybody ever does -- but I think with 'Hollywood law,' that's totally fair."
Sandra later adopted another child, a daughter named Laila in late 2015.
"When I look at Laila, there’s no doubt in my mind that she was supposed to be here,"
“I can tell you absolutely, the exact right children came to me at the exact right time."
Such an affectionate women she is!
Did you know, she is currently enjoying her life with her children and also is madly in love with her current partner Bryan Randall since 2015? Well, now you do!
Stay with us for he budding updates on Sandra Bullock!