Lance Franklin Come Back To AFL After Kicking All Current Mental Stigma (Seizure) For 2016 AFL Season

Well, if you are reading this, then that means you watch Sydney Swans in the Australian Football. If you watch that then you’ll surely remember Lance Franklin.
Yes, the one and only Lance Franklin. You might know that he suffered from some mental illness and due to a mild epileptic seizure he had to take his leave from the game. So without any further delay, let’s discuss it.
Lance (Buddy) Franklin a star player of Sydney Swans made a glorious comeback in Australian Football League (AFL) and secured a marvelous victory for his team. Franklin hadn’t played a game against any clubs after round 23 in September of last year and also missed Sydney’s qualifying finals because of a mental health issue.
What really happened to Lance Franklin?
Lance was suffering from an unspecified mental illness and a mild form of epileptic seizure that was unrelated to the mental health issues. Due to this problem he left the games from September 2015 and now he is back lots of positive vibes but his fiancée Jesinta Campbell believes that her partner will never ‘truly recover’ from his mental issues.
In an interview with Today, Show Jesinta told, "I don't think you ever truly recover from a mental health issue, it is really something that you battle with and challenge with every day. I think with anyone who struggles with mental health, it's a day-by-day thing; you just have to tackle the day and do the best that you can. It's hard and just because he is a sports star doesn't mean that he's bulletproof."
How is he now?
Franklin returned to the club in December after receiving his mental treatment. The coach and the players of the club are really happy to see him playing after a long break. Franklin finished with just six possessions and a single goal in the Swan’s victory, but more importantly he finished the game safe without any problem. Kurt Tippett player of swans who has a really good friendship with Franklin said,
"I don't think there's a limit to how many goals he can kick this year, so that's really exciting. He's in great form, it's great to see he's enjoying his football and he seems really focused. It's pretty cool to think that he could kick 100”.
Getting treatment for his problems helped him get in a really good health. His family, friends, fiancée, even his fans are really glad to see him recovered. His fiancée said
"He was off to training really early this morning and he's really happy and healthy and that's the most important thing, the big boy is back and, let me tell you, he's training the roof down. He's looking really muscled actually, which I love."