34 Years Old Actor With Hot Body Falk Hentschel's Personal Life, Girlfriend and Dating

Falk Hentschel, who played the character of Hawkman in Legends of Tomorrow's season 1, is a new heart-throb in Hollywood. He is 34 years old and has a successful celebrity status. But why is he still single?
His fans know him as an actor, a dancer, and a choreographer - to be more precise, fans mostly know him for the roles he has portrayed such as Carter Hall/Hawkman in The Flash, Arrow, and Legends of Tommorrow, Motts in White House Down and Bob in Transcendence. But most of them don't know about his dating life.
Caption: Moot set to blow the president limousine with an M134.
Source: imfdb.org
Girlfriend and Dating Life:
People loved Hentschel as Motts in the 2013 film White House Down. He played the role of a mercenary who takes over the White House. People have also loved him as Bob, a terrorist in the movie Transcendence. The badass roles in the movies have made many women his loyal fans. After all, girls like bad boys.
Wait, we have more! His portrayal of Hawkman/Cater Hall in Legends of Tomorrow has won the hearts of many - more than any of his other portrayals. Women have been jealous seeing the strong on-screen romance between the Hawkman and the Hawkgirl.

Caption: Falk Hentschel famous as the Hawkman in the DC Comics Legends of Tommorrow.
Photo Credit: heroichollywood.com
Standing tall at the height of 5’11”, Falk has been in Hollywood for about 11 years, but he hasn’t been spotted with his better half even once. The question – ‘Is he gay?’ has been raised at times. However, he's probably not a gay.
We understand that you’re so caught up with your work Falk, but there are thousands out there who want to know about your personal life as well.
Maybe his busy schedule is keeping him away from getting into a relationship of potentially getting married. However, it’s not easy hiding your personal life from the Tabloids when you are an actor, but Hentschel seems very good at it. To the point, we don’t really know if he is dating anybody or whether he has a wife or a potential girlfriend in his mind or not. (The mystery is killing us).
Going through his Instagram account, we found out that he is very close to his Legends of tomorrow cast members.
And it also looks like he is very fond of his dog Maya
Recent News:
Though he was killed off on the first season of The Legends of Tomorrow, good news for all fans of the Hawkman as Falk's character Carter Hall (Hawkman) is coming back to the small screen. Since we know that Legends of Tomorrow is a time traveling show, so honestly there is no chance for any character for leaving the show permanently (until the writers wish to do so).
Apart for that, he has also been involved in other projects. Recently, he was seen filming a new movie, Jack the Ripper.
Falk Henschel’s Recent Interview 2017:
The interview is one of the rare occasions where the ardent fans get to know their favorite star better. And Flak shared his recent interview through an Instagram post on June 3, 2017, along with an artistic photo of himself.
In an interview, Flak shared some of his intimate details of his personal life which every Falk Hentschel fans would be delighted to read.
The five words which Flaks choose to describe himself were,
Passionate - stubborn - excitable - compassionate - idealistic
When Flak was asked to reveal two things, which people do not know he confessed his struggle with body image issues.
I’ve struggled with body image issues for a long time. The pressure of the entertainment industry and the idea of the perfect male hero body has really had a big impact on me. My life evolved around my body and its appearance for a very long time. It’s a sickness I wish was more talked about when it comes to men. I’ve joined OA meetings in the past and have been much better for many years. But I think it’s something I’ll always battle.
We all seek motivation in different ways and staying motivated is important and especially for an actor, as your thoughts get directly reflected in your performance as well.
Inspiration. Wherever it comes from. Nature, a movie I just saw, a story i just heard, a beautiful moment I just witnessed, a great meal I tasted. Inspiration always fills me with joy and the motivation to do what I dream of doing.
The term success means different for different people, and Flak defined the success as,
Success to me is to call into reality the ideas and dreams from my mind and do it with the least amount of struggle possible.
Along with success there comes criticisms as well and Flak values criticism and feels it makes oneself better.
I listen. I really value criticism, cause it’s such a wonderful tool to better yourself. But I try to make sure to only listen to constructive criticism.
Everyone has a goal to achieve in the future and similarly, Flak shared his target for the next couple of years.
I would love love to put together a film with friends and like minded creators that gets a theatrical release and manages to find it’s audience.
Flak shared the motto of his life as,
Build your life consciously. Select each building block with only one question in mind “does this bring me joy?"
Dating or single, gay or straight, we know we love our beloved Hawkman, and we’re always #TeamHawkman. Good luck finding the perfect match Falk.
Falk is a hardworking actor who has struggled a lot. Born and raised in Germany, his work has taken him to many places. He worked as a backup dancer whilst living in London. Later, he became a choreographer and worked in music videos and toured Canada and Asia.
Finally, he made his childhood acting dream come true by settling down in Los Angeles, and later debuted in the Emmy Award-winning series, Arrested Development.
Post Arrested Development, he has worked in numerous movies and TV series. He is currently active in the industry as a guest cast on DC's Legends of Tomorrow.