Betty Nguyen: Married Life With Husband Couldn't Be Better! A Family Too Cute To Be True

Betty Nguyen is a name that is not far from the recognition of people around the world as she is a well-known award-winning journalist whose work has been appreciated by plenty of individuals. The grit and dedication she possesses are hard to be matched by anyone else!
Moreover, there is one more thing she owns which cannot be matched by many and that is her family life including her husband and heir child.
So let us find out as to why we are making this bold claim, and trust us; you will be made to believe in what we are vouching for.
The Married Life of Betty Nguyen With Her Husband Is Goals, So Is Her Family Life!
Betty Nguyen has been enjoying success in her professional life pretty well, but there is no denying that she is an even more successful woman in her personal front of life especially her married life as she shares more than ample love and affection with her husband whose identity is still a secret.
The two got married back on the 26th of July 2014, and since then they have always been adding more love to their companionship with every passing moment.
Moreover, following their marriage came another big news for the couple as the parenthood knocked on their doors.
Betty even shared how it was like to become pregnant at a comparatively later age and how she felt when she could not enjoy the summer due to her baby bump and all.
In a column she wrote back in July 2015, Betty expressed,
Ok, maybe I’m not miserable just yet, but it’s still early. The dog days of summer are on the way. I’m new to this game, so all I know is whatever I feel right now – will get worse. At least that’s what I’ve been told by many a mom. My baby bump will get bigger. My skin will stretch beyond my wildest dreams. My weight could equal my husband’s. Oh and eventually, I won’t be able to see my toes. Doesn’t exactly sound like my best summer yet. But in reality – it is.
Further, she added on how meeting her husband changed her dream to-do list that didn't comprise of having a baby,
I’ve spent most of my life with a to-do list of goals that didn’t include having a baby, until I was in my mid-30’s. From cable news to network news, it’s been an exciting adventure of cameras, travel and living the dream. But when I met my husband that dream changed. I was finally ready for kids. Honestly, that biological clock people talk about started to tick a couple of years ago when I froze my eggs as a precaution. Once we said our “I do’s” it was ticking so loudly, I literally couldn’t sleep. I worried about everything. How hard would it be to conceive? Am I too old to have a healthy child? Are we even doing it right? I know that last one sounds crazy, but between ovulation predictors and internet searches, you start going insane.
Betty continued, stating about the glorious day,
Then came that glorious day when my pregnancy test turned positive. Thank the heavens above! I wasted no time downloading all the pregnancy apps and started tracking our baby’s growth week by week. When it was finally time for our first doctor’s appointment, my husband and I couldn’t wait to hear the baby’s heartbeat. Only, there was no heartbeat. I went into shock. The magnitude of what we had just been told wasn’t registering in my head. I looked over at my husband, who had turned pale. What happened to our baby? Make that… babies. Plural. You could see on the ultrasound monitor that there were two. We were having twins and didn’t even know it. Now, we had none.
Our babies were gone. The last time I cried that hard was when my father passed away of a sudden heart attack. My husband and I barely said anything. It was a cold, snowy day in November. We just held each other and cried.
Expressing her emotions of her being able to conceive, she said,
No one knew, except immediate family. At work, I tried to hide my pain but the tears wouldn’t stop. I cried in the bathroom, behind closed office doors, any place where no one would see. Visine was my go to weapon for disguising my swollen, bloodshot eyes. I was dying inside, but still determined to have a child. Once we got the all clear, the thought of trying again didn’t seem exciting. It was nerve wracking. By now my biological clock wasn’t just ticking, it sounded like an emergency siren. I wasn’t getting any younger and I was afraid this was the beginning of an uphill battle.
If we couldn’t conceive on our own quickly, I was ready to thaw out the eggs I had frozen and get this baby making factory up and running. While that option took a little of the edge off, in my heart I really wanted us to do this the old fashion way.
She then concluded,
Experts say the best way to conceive is to chill out and enjoy the process. Sounds like fun right? Yeah, that wasn’t happening. After a couple of months and nothing but negative pregnancy tests, I went into full freak out mode. One day, I looked at my husband and said, “Maybe you should get checked. Perhaps, there’s something wrong on your end?” He started laughing and said, “You were just pregnant.” Told you, I was losing it. He tried to reassure me that miscarriages happen to a lot of people. “Just relax. We will have a baby.” he said.
She was also keeping her fans and well-wishers up to date with her pregnancy journey via social media sites.
And then came the moment she was waiting for, the delivery of their child! On the 13th of December 2015, the couple welcomed their son, and she described the moment 'very special' via her Instagram post.
She then started enjoying the bits and pieces of her motherhood!
Their son has indeed made their family complete, and it is just too hard to believe as to how adorable they all look together.
Now that's some relationship and family goals right there! Did we not tell you just that?