Gale Harold Not Getting Married Because Of Aggressive Ex-Girlfriend Or Rumored Gay Sexuality?

Hollywood is a place where people find fame, love and other things that are not a person’s need. Something similar can be said while we talk about Gale Harold. A handsome image must have formed in your mind right?
Well, he sure is famous;, especially among women. He, like every other person also found love, but that turned out to be an aggressive one. On top of that, he also has to face numerous gay rumors. Today we ought to find out what is true!
Gale Harold, 47, is a notably famous actor known for his works on numerous projects. However, he once made headlines, and that was not because of work. Gale, as we know, had an actress girlfriend, Danielle Saklofsky, who has worked in movies like Excess Baggage, The Sixth Man and Five Desperate Hours. Despite both being in the acting profession, Gale and Danielle both maintained their secrecy, and it is not known when their love grabbed its pace.
The Aggressive Girlfriend!
In early 2014, Gale made the headlines, along with his girlfriend, but in a shocking way. The couple called it quits, and Gale moved on but Danielle couldn’t. Reports suggest that Danielle attempted assault when she tried to strike Gale outside a restaurant with a mason jar that happened to be full of coins. The event went to court where Gale said the attack came after a couple of days of the split. Gale also revealed that when he tried to break up with actress girlfriend, she said,
'I will never let you leave me.'
Caption: Gale and Danielle were getting cozy together.
While in the court, Gale gave an in-depth sight on the event and said that before Danielle attacked him after yelling, 'You cannot leave me, I will destroy you!'
Gale further claimed that he grabbed Danielle by her ponytail and then slapped. Gale later received a restraining order against his aggressive ex-girlfriend after he told the judge that he was ‘afraid.’
Is Gale Harold A Married Man Now?
Well, Gale could have gotten married and make a loving wife out of his aggressive girlfriend if she had not been aggressive in the first place. Guess Danielle did not know how to get back with their loved ones and be a good girlfriend instead of throwing a jar full of coins.  However, like good old days, Gale has not spoken in his personal life which has undoubtedly helped ignite some gay rumors. Gale is known for playing a gay man in ‘Queer as Folks, which initially sparked the rumors.
However, Gale does not seem to be a gay man in real life because we all have already witnessed quite the drama that happened between him and his ex-girlfriend. Apart from that, Gale also dated actress Yara Martinez 2011.
The way Gale has kept his life, we can only assume that he is not married and does not have a wife. He can be seen in ‘Adoptable’ most recently and is also rumored to appear in ‘The Two Dogs.’ Â
Stay with us for the emerging updates on Gale Harold!