Moving On From Rock star Boyfriend, Laura Whitmore’s Possible Successive Dating With Actor and Dance Partner.

Link ups and possible dating rumors are just as normal as breathing in the entertainment industry. When people with opposite sex are seen having fun, then undoubtedly there will be the rumor of them dating together or something similar.
Likewise, Irish TV presenter and model Laura Whitmore has consistently been rumored to be dating some of the famous men around.
Over and over again; the link up stories:
The MTV presenter Laura is undoubtedly one hottie and surely has the heart of many men out there. However, having charismatic charms can sometimes be dangerous.
Laura Whitmore was previously dating Rory Williams, and the couple started dating from mid-2015 after meeting at a music festival. The news about their assignation came forth after Laura was seen with her rockstar boyfriend having a quality romantic time in Ibiza.
Caption: Laura and Rory, together for eight months and then separated. (2016)
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After dating for months, Laura cemented their relation by introducing her boyfriend to parents while all of them were on a road trip to Ireland in January. However, even if the bond was getting stronger with Laura introducing Rory to her family, their relationship went down the hill. Laura and Rory broke out in March, this year ending their relationship and the reason was that Rory wanted to concentrate on his musical career. An Insider said;
“Things haven’t worked out with Laura and Rory. Some of her friends think they are still going out but he’s getting on with his music and doing his own thing.”
Rory recalled the time when he first started dating and said;
“When we first started dating, we were pictured together and I had the worst green shorts on. My friends have never let me live that down.”
In addition to that, their split got the unintended and unwanted attention because of the timing; amid of Laura and Leonardo DiCaprio sweeping the town with their BAFTAs night out.
Caption: Leonardo celebrated his BAFTAs win with Laura (2016).
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The story hit the media like a storm, and that gave both the ex-couples a headache; a headache to which only Rory responded,
“People thought we were still together when the story broke. It made it a bit more complicated.I had been out the night before and got really drunk. I woke up the next morning hungover.I looked at my phone and had about 50 messages telling me about Leo. I was like: ‘What the f*** is going on?”
Further continuing his statement, Rory who is apparently a fan of DiCaprio said,
“I’m a big fan of the dude, so our pictures being put next to each other was very surreal. It’s pretty f***** up. I take it with a pinch of salt.”
Update on the BAFTA night out:
The time when Laura and Leo had their little appearance at the BAFTA night. An insider revealed that it looked like a little more than a casual date. The insider said,
“Leonardo was completely taken by Laura. She was playing it cool but he made a beeline for her, and they instantly started flirting. She loved the attention, and they were all over each other, getting on like a house on fire.
The insider continued,
“Leo made it clear he wanted her to come back upstairs to his suite at the hotel to continue the party afterward. He was all over Laura until well after 5 am. At one point he held her face in his hand!”"
To her cool-off, Laura casually rejected every speculation and said that the night was clean while defending herself,
“Everyone was just having fun - there was a lot of dancing.”
The dating rumors did not stop there:
As it happens, Laura is no rookie to all the dating rumors stories that she has been linked into. She has continually been speculated and linked up with the person of opposite sex with whoever she talks. She recently was connected with her dancing partner sloe-eyed Sicilian Giovanni Pernice who happened to be the ex of a good pal, Georgia.
On her stories of her link ups, Irish TV presenter acquainted, That is what Laura said after learning that she was being accused of dating her dance partner,
“I’m just so upset about it. My problem is that people have no idea who I am. To them I’m this TV presenter with blonde hair who gets linked to every single man I interview or stand next ,”
Laura clarified that she was doing Strictly to get the family audience and change their perspective about her.
“I wanted to do Strictly because it’s a family audience – there will be a lot of people who don’t know anything about me. It’s the one show where people get a chance to see you for who you are, and the whole thing with Giovanni blew up in my face. I couldn’t believe it could all go so wrong, so fast. George-who is a good friend of mine-has been lovely but I felt things had been spoilt before I’d even got a chance to start.”
Furthermore, the source gushed;
“Georgia knows just how intimately the couples have to dance and is terrified that Giovanni might hook up with Laura.”
Laura who had hopes that everything would be back to normal after she got into a family show said that in a way, the rumors had affected her dancing.
She stated,
“It has definitely affected my dancing. I’m so self-conscious I haven’t allowed myself to develop a proper partnership with Giovanni.”
But she put her best foot forward in her performances.
After all the hustle about her speculated relationship the 31-years-old Laura had with Giovanni, she clearly stated,
“To be honest he’s far too young for me and even though I’m single I’m still going on a couple of dates when I have time-but not with Giovanni.”
From her statements she has made clear that she will be dating, but Giovanni is not just the one for her. And probably Giovanni is not her possible successive boyfriend.
The women with the remarkable reputation have been romantically linked with the A-lister of Hollywood; latest would be Leonardo DeCaprio, rock star Paolo Nutini, One Direction’s Nail Horan, DJ Clavin Harris and Supermodel David Gandy which don’t end here as they are just few who hit the headlines.
We will be looking forward when this Irish-born blonde will get married and come up with her husband which will undoubtedly zip up the frequently arising rumors.