Know All About Gastritis and It’s Top Ten Home Remedies

Gastritis and It’s Top Ten Home Remedies
Nearly about 10% of the people who visit the doctor complaining of stomach ache are usually diagnosed with gastritis. There are especially two leading causes of gastritis: 1) bacterium known as Helicobacter pylori and 2) nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Hence it’s also caused due to bad eating habits and bad choices of food. Stress, unhealthy eating habits, taking some medicines in empty stomach, eating oily and spicy foods, over intake of alcohol, excessive consumption of tea and coffee, taking some medications and many other anti-inflammatory drugs, etc. also leads to gastritis.
Some common symptoms of gastritis
- Bad breath
- Bloated stomach
- Burning sensation in the stomach
- Severe pain in the upper abdominal region (especially in the left side of the abdomen)
- Nausea and vomiting
- Indigestion
- Heartburn
- Loss of appetite
- Dizziness
Top 10 Home Remedies for Gastritis
Caption: Home remedies for gastritis. Some EffectiveTips To get rid of Gastritis
1) Drinking water:
If you are suffering from gastritis, then the first thing you should do is drink at least 3 liters of water a day. The water can dilute all the harmful acids, and it helps in flushing all the unnecessary toxins out of our body.
2) Mixture of rock salt and carom seeds:
Take half spoon of carom seeds powder and mix it with some pinch of rock salt and take this mixture with warm water after having your meal.
3) Garlic and salt:
You can even have 1-2 cloves of garlic by adding a little bit of salt in it and take this mixture with warm water to get some relieve from gastritis.
4) Lemon juice and fennel seeds:
You can squeeze some lemon juice into a container and add one tablespoon of fennel seeds in it and after the fennel seeds have totally soaked in the lemon juice eat the fennel seeds and drink some warm water.
5) Use Potato juice:
Blend some potatoes and get its juice ready. Drink half cup of potato juice before your meal as this can help you to get relieve from gastritis.
6) Drink ginger water:
Crush some ginger or you can even use powdered ginger and boil this ginger powder or paste in water and drink this ginger water after your meal. You can even add some pinch of rock salt to this mixture to get instant relieve from gastritis.
7) Basil leaves:
Get some fresh basil leaves and chew it after having your meal. You can even boil these leaves in water and drink that water two times in a day. Basil leaves are very useful to treat gastritis naturally.
8) Indian Gooseberry Powder (Amla Powder):
Take one tablespoon of Indian gooseberry powder and mix it well with warm water and take this mixture after your meal. Intake of this mixture gives relief in gastric problems.
9) Turmeric powder and salt:
Take half a spoon of turmeric powder and add two pinches of salt in it and intake this mixture with warm water to get instant relieve from gastritis.
10) Eat bananas:
Bananas help to form mucus in the stomach, and it’s very useful to treat gastritis and acidity. Take at least two bananas a day to get relief from the gastric problem.
Gastritis is mainly caused due to unhealthy eating habits and unhealthy lifestyles. One should not take this issue lightly, and if you are diagnosed with gastritis, then you can do home remedies to get some relieve from it. If your gastric problem is getting bigger day by day than you should not do late to consult with the specialists or doctor and get treated for it as soon as possible.