A Throw Back! Ellen DeGeneres Came Out As Gay Long in the Past; Know Her View On Turning Girlfriend Into Wife

It has been 20 years since American comedian and television host Ellen DeGeneres came out as a gay. So let us look back at that moment and also address her marital life with her girlfriend turned life partner.
Coming Out As A Gay.
April 30, 1997, the day Ellen, who celebrates her birthday on 26 January 1958, came out of the closet and accepted her sexuality in front of the world. Ellen came out as a gay on her show, and the episode titled "the Puppy Episode" was watched by a staggering 44 million viewers. So since it has been 20 years of that famous episode, Ellen now looks back at her courageous and bold move.
Ellen, on Friday, opened her show "the Ellen Show" by saying "I am Ellen and I am Gay."
She explained her move in such words,
“Twenty years ago I said that — it was a much bigger deal then,”
Also, Ellen elaborated her "coming out the episode."
“It was called ‘The Puppy Episode’ because we wanted to keep it a secret until it aired and because ‘Ellen Throws Her Career Away’ seemed too on the nose,”
She continued,
“Actually, the real reason we called it ‘The Puppy Episode’ is because when the writers told the executives that they wanted me to come out, because my character needed to be in a relationship after four years of not being in a relationship, someone at the studio said, ‘Well, get her a puppy. She’s not coming out.’ ”
Moreover, Oprah Winfrey who made a memorable appearance on the episode Ellen came out said to Ellen,
“You wouldn’t have been able to open hearts and touch hearts and change people’s minds and make a difference in the world had you not had the courage to do that,”
Caption: Ellen looks back at her brave move to come out as a gay 20 years back.
Video Credit: people.com
Coming out as a gay has done her good in her life as she has earned quite a lot LGBT supporters. Moreover, she has also received the Presidential Medal of Freedom by former President Barack Obama back in 2016.
Ellen DeGeneres is married to her long run girlfriend now wife Portia de Rossi, and the couple has been in a marital relationship for around nine years. The couple tied the knot back on Aug. 16, 2008, in their home at Beverly Hills, California after the same-sex marriage ban was overturned.
Caption: Ellen and her wife, Portia de Rossi.
Photo Credit: etonline.com
The couple is living happily with one another and back in 2016, Ellen took over her Twitter on their 8th anniversary to recount the love.
Best thing I ever did. #8years #HappyAnniversary pic.twitter.com/kb0oLj2RAS — Ellen DeGeneres (@TheEllenShow) August 16, 2016
Caption: A picture from Ellen's wedding with Portia.
Photo Credit: people.com
, During an interview back in 2016, she elaborated the depth of their relationship in such words,
“I’m grateful for everything. I’m grateful for my health, and I’m so grateful for the love in my life. Because not everybody finds that. Not everybody finds that best friend.”
She also added,
“I’ve gotten to a place where I really am just settled. Really. I know that I’m not going anywhere. She’s not going anywhere. I’m not saying the relationship took a while; I’m saying in my life, it took a while to find this,”
Caption: The beautiful marriage of Ellen and Portia.
Uploaded on Sep 9, 2008.
But for those who are wondering if they have plans for having their children, you might just feel very disappointed as the two have decided not to have kids.
Ellen said,
“We thought about it. We love to be around children after they’ve been fed and bathed. But we ultimately decided that we don’t want children of our own. There is far too much glass in our house.”
Moreover, she added:
“We have two dogs, Mabel and Wolf, and three cats at home, Charlie, George and Chairman. We have two cats on our farm, Tom and Little Sister, two horses, and two mini horses, Hannah and Tricky, We also have two cows, Holy and Madonna. And those are only the animals we let sleep in our bed.”
Well, the end decision is theirs though! But regardless of that decision made by them, we would like to wish the very best for the couple for the rest of their lives.
Stay with us for more news on Ellen DeGeneres!