Bobbi Kristina Brown's Death Marks Two Years! Bobby Brown Shares A Video Of Her In Memory

Two years after the death of Bobbi Kristina Brown, her father Bobby Brown shared a video of her in memory.
In an intimate black-and-white video shared by Bobby, his daughter, who died on July 26, 2015, is seen singing Adele's "Someone Like You."
Brown has founded Bobbi Kristina Serenity House, an organization which acts as resources for victims of domestic violence. In collaboration with the organization, the former New Edition singer paid tribute to his late daughter on Instagram with a caption that said-
“Today we remember you #BobbiKristina ????#eN????ough#LoveShouldntHurt”
He continued-
IF YOU OR A LOVED ONE IS IN IMMEDIATE DANGER PLEASE CALL 911 !! We have established a relationship with The National Domestic Violence Hotline. If you are in need of help and resources NOW please visit They have operators live now in every state to assist you with your immediate needs. #eNough #stopdomesticviolence???? #BOBBIKRISTINABROWN @bobbikristinaserenityhouse @kingbobbybrown Original Song by Adele "Someone Like You"
On Jan 31, 2015, Bobbi was found unresponsive in a bathtub in her Georgia home. She remained in a coma for six months, and at the age of twenty-two, Bobbi died on July 26, 2015.
According to evidence gathered, the cause of death of the daughter of legendary Whitney Houston was said to be alcohol, drugs and domestic abuse.
According to the lawsuit-
“Gordon gave Bobbi a ‘toxic cocktail, rendering her unconscious and then put her face down in a tub of cold water causing her to suffer brain damage."
Likewise, the Browns' Atlanta-based attorney Craig Terrett said to E! News-
"In my opinion, he [Gordon] had a history of violent behavior towards her and he just lost it. And he contributed in some way to her death. I have no question about it."
Last year in November, late Bobbi Kristina’s live-in boyfriend Nick Gordon was found liable for the wrongful death of Bobbi Kristina. After Nick repeatedly failed to meet the court deadline in the civil suit, he was also ordered to pay $36 million.
Though Nick had been posting mournful pictures of Bobbi on social media over the past two years, he has not commented publicly on the anniversary.