Billy Baldwin Vehemently Volunteers To Impersonate Eric Trump On SNL; Why Does He Want That?
It seems that Billy Baldwin wants a piece of SNL action as he reveals that he wants to impersonate Eric Trump on “Access Hollywood” on Wednesday.
Billy said that he could portray Eric when Natalie Morales and Kit Hoover asked him the character that he would like to play. He offered to help his brother Alec by saying-
“I’ll play Eric Trump. I’ve got the slicked-back hair. I’m a little old for that, but I’d just have to sit there and go [makes a dopey face].”
It seems that Billy wants to portray the character as he finds himself kind of similar to Eric in appearance with makeup on though he is older than him.
Caption: Eric Trump and Billy Baldwin. Do they tend to look alike?
Photo Credit: Page six
However, it might be weird to see Billy portraying Donald Trump’s son as his younger brother Alec portrays Eric’s father Trump on SNL.
Billy was also asked about his views of the president where he said that he wants Trump to succeed but doesn’t agree with all his policies. Furthermore, he said-
“I’m trying to be patient in the first couple hundred days, I wish President Trump would give us a reason to feel good and feel safe. Yesterday, he is tweeting about the New York Times and how it’s fake news and that it’s failing and none of that is true and I don’t know why the newly elected president would be … he has more important things to do like intelligence briefings.”
Caption: Billy Baldwin On Brother Alec's Donald Trump Impression on Access Hollywood with Natalie Morales and Kit Hoover
Billy also supported and praised Alec’s and Melissa McCarthy’s impersonation of President Donald Trump and Press Secretary Sean Spicer. He even said that he is thrilled to see this week's Saturday's episode.